Friday 23 December 2011

Starting to Film!!

Even though I haven't found anyone to play the woman 'Marie' in my opening sequence, I thought that during the Christmas holidays I could film the parts that don't include the woman in them to get them out of the way whilst I have time and before my exams in January so, today I started to film the very first part of my opening sequence. After rearranging the furniture in the house to make sure nothing else was in shot, I managed to get 3 shots of the picture of the soldier zooming in and zooming out ensuring that I left enough time before and after the clip to use when I edit. Even though there was noise in the background, this doesn't matter as you can edit it out during the editing stage. Next, I will do the panning shot of all the old postcards, letters and pictures covering the table making sure that there isn't anything that shouldn't be in the shot in view.

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