I did some research into my audience and to who I thought would be an appropriate target audience for my film. In my opinion I think that my film is targeted at women as it has a fairy tale element to it and I don't think that it would appeal to young teenage boys as they typically seem to like action and my opening sequence doesn't include much action.
I spoke to some people asking them questions to get some research on the kind of films that they like and what they look for in an opening sequence.
Person 1- Male, age 16
1. What kind of films do you like?
I like action films like fast and furious 5 as I really enjoy all the car chases and action involved in it. I also like comedies such as Pineapple Express as I find it really funny and it also includes lots of action too.
2. What is your favourite film?
My favourite film is fast and furious 5 because it has lots of action and car chases and also has the element of surprise as you aren't always sure where the storyline is going to go which I like.
3. What do you look for in an opening sequence?
I like opening sequences that don't give too much of the film away. I want to be left wondering what is going to happen.
4. Do you like period dramas?
No I absolutely hate them. I find them really boring.
5. Would you be interested in a period film?
No, not at all I think it would be really boring.
Person 2 - Female, age 16
1. What kind of films do you like?
I like romantic comedies.
2. What is your favourite film?
My favourite film is 'The Notebook'. I really like it because it has a lovely storyline which I love and it always makes me cry at the end.
3. What do you look for in an opening sequence?
In an opening sequence I like there to be hints of what the rest of the story may involve and how the storyline might develop but I don't want the whole film to be given away at the start.
4. Do you like period dramas?
Not really, they are a bit boring for me.
5. Would you be interested in a period film?
To be honest I really don't think I would be, like I said, they are a bit boring.
Person 3- Female, age 17
1. What kind of films do you like?
I like romantic comedies because they make me laugh and cry at the same time.
2. What is your favourite film?
My favourite film is Marley and Me because it makes me laugh with all the funny things that Marley does but makes me cry at the end when he dies.
3. What do you look for in an opening sequence?
In an opening sequence I like to have some idea of what the film might entale.
4. Do you like period dramas?
Period dramas don't really interest me. They are too old fashioned and boring.
After asking people of the same age as me it showed me that people of this age clearly are not the right audience for my film so I decided to ask some older people.
Person 4- Female. Age 46
1. What kind of films do you like?
I really like westerns and films set in the olden days.
2. What is your favourite film?
My favourite film is True Grit
3. What do you look for in an opening sequence?
I want the opening to hint at what the film might be like but not give too much away.
4. Do you like period dramas?
Yes, I watch them all the time. I watch Downton Abbey and Cranford. I really like them because the time era interests me and I really like the costumes that they wear.
5. Would you be interested in a period film?
I think I would be, I think it would be really interesting to watch.
Person 5- Female age 28
1. What kind of films do you like?
I like romantic comedies, comedies and films like that and good old fashioned disney fairytales.
2. What is your favourite film?
My favourite film is Mary Poppins because it is funny, happy and I love the costumes that they wear.
3. What do you look for in an opening sequence of a film?
I like opening sequences that leave me wondering what is going to happen.
4. Do you like period dramas?
Yes, I really like period dramas and I watch things like Pirot and Miss Marple all the time.
5. Would you be interested in a period film?
I think I would be because I like watching things from a different era.
Person 6- Male age 45
1. What kind of films do you like?
I like comedies and action films
2. What is your favourite film?
My favourite film is 'The holy Grail' by Monty Python. Its really funny.
3. What do you look for in an opening sequence.
I like something interesting to see in the opening rather than just some credits rolling across the screen and also I like there to be hints that suggest where the story may go.
4. Do you like period dramas?
Not at all, I hate things like that. I find that they are very very boring.
5. Would you be interested in a period film?
No. It would bore me too much.
After asking 6 different people about their opinions on what sorts of films they like. I have come to the conclusion that older women would be the target audience for my film as they seem to be interested in period dramas opposed to males of a similar age and younger people. In addition it seems that everyone likes to have subtle hints at how the film may develop throughout. This has been extremely helpful in deciding what kind of things to include into my opening sequence and who I should target it to.
James Gibbon's resources for print based media
11 years ago
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