Thursday 3 November 2011

Camera Shots

There are many different types of shots used for many different reasons.

  • Extreme Wide Shot (EWS)
  • Very Wide Shot (VWS)
These are also known as establishing shots and are used to set the scene

  • Wide shot/ long shot: the subject takes up the full screen or as much as possible.
  • Mid shot: shows some part of the subject in detail whilst still giving an impression of the whole subject
  • Medium close up: half way between a mid shot and a close up
  • Close up: focuses on a certain feature or part of the subject and takes up the whole frame.
  • Extreme close up: shows extreme detail
  • Cutaway: a shot of something other that the action to perhaps show location
  • Cut-in:  shows part of the subject in detail i.e the hands
  • Two- shot : a shot of two people framed similarly to a mid shot
  • Over the shoulder shot- looking from behind a person at the subject
  • Noddy shot- Usually refers to a shot of the interviewe listening and reacting to the subject
  • Point of view shot- shows a view from the subjects perspective
  • Weather shot: Shows the weather so is usually of the sky.
Here is a video to show some of the different shots

This video also shows the different movements of the camera:
  • Pan- This is where the camera pivots from left to right or right to left, usually to show the setting.
  • Tilt- This is similar to the pan but instead of pivoting horizontally it pivots vertically from up to down or down to up.
  • Track- This is where the camera follows a subject and can be done via a 'dolly' or in documentary style where there is quite abrupt movements of the camera.

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