Friday 14 October 2011

My Idea!

I want to create a film opening that will be different and unusual compared to anyone elses. I want my work to stand out, so i thought that by doing a film in the style of a 1940's/50s film it might just do that.

Immediately i can think of some problems with this idea;
  • Costume
  • location
  • background noise/ scenery that would be out of place
however, with the idea i have in mind, i think i can get round these problems.
  • Costume- by hunting around in charity shops i'm sure i could find something suitable and similar fashions of the 40's are back in the shops now which is useful.
  • location and noise- The main location i want to use is a wood. This means there shouldn't be any background scenery that would be out of place. The only problem would be the road nearby which you might be able to hear in the woods but hopefully not.

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